We are a Second Chance Pell Recipient!

The Department of Education has selected us to participate in the Second Chance Pell Pilot Program!

I wrote about this a bit before last year here and here. There will be much more news in the days and weeks ahead. We have heard that our partnership with the University of Baltimore is one of four such programs in the state of Maryland, but we don’t even know the names of the other schools!

Thanks to Secretary Moyer and Warden Webb for their support!

Thanks to our own Andrea Cantora who led the effort and will be shepherding the credit-bearing courses into being. Dr. Cantora came to us with plenty of experience working in prisons, but in her criminal justice courses she saw students who are deeply curious and hard-working taking classes without credit or recognition, and so she’s put an immense amount of time and effort into giving them what they deserve!

Thanks to all out faculty and outside students from Loyola, MICA, and Georgetown!

Thanks especially to our inside students, who deserved this so hard we had to make it real!


2 responses to “We are a Second Chance Pell Recipient!”

  1. […] (which you can find out more about here—as well as the wonderful recent news about Pell Grants here!) When I told some of the students last summer that I was thinking of teaching a class on time, one […]

  2. […] been my part time job, and it’s been my full-time job for the past year, since the JCI Scholars Program partnered with the University of Baltimore to offer courses towards a Bachelor’s degree in […]

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